

standing here again

long time no new post here. i've been busy searching which blog fits me well but i guess this one was good and i delete all my older posts. all, no exception. shame? maybe. because i want to start something new in a same old place. aku yakin tak akan bisa berpindah ke sana ke mari sesuka jidad saat nanti aku memiliki rumah. there's only one house and i should make it right everytime i got bored.

i made a wordpress few months ago. wrote something about society, seperti biasanya. and at the end, i realize that people could kill people and it's scarier than zombie apocalypse. i will post those posts on this blog after this. hope you, old reader who stills read mine, could fine with it. 

what's new? sepertinya sekarang aku mulai suka melancong. i just got home a day ago from kuala lumpur. sebenarnya aku tak terlalu senang pergi ke kota yang satu itu. but my mom already bought the ticket early year and i couldn't refuse it. there were lot of not-so-good things happened before the day. basically, i don't really like to spend when i only got small-amount of money. i mean, there's a lot of cheap-but-good things i could buy and put it to savings than go abroad, except for studying. i'm not that hypocrite said i wasn't happy in there, i was happy. unfortunately the happiness couldn't stay longer when i got home. selalu saja ada masalah dengan kas. not mine, but it effects me. though so, i still love travelling. i will do it again with people who shares the joy of being lost.

enough for the opening. lately, saya sibuk di instagram, you can follow mine: "prilja"
it's new account because i deleted previous account, i couldn't post any pictures and that sucks.

thank you for still reading mine, i hope my english still good enough. nederlands hebt mijn engels slecht geworden.

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